what is domain name and why it is important ?

What a domain name means?

What is Domain Name
A long time ago, when there was no smart phone, numbers could not be saved in a mobile phone. All the numbers and their names were written in a diary.  We don't have to suffer so much. We open our smartphone and give the phone to the person who needs it.  If you click on his name, the phone goes to him.  Domain names work exactly the same way.  

Through this blog we will know..

  • What is Domain Name..?  
  • What is DNS Server..?  
  • What is a Subdomain..?  
  • What is TLD..? 
  • What is Domain Name Example..?
  • What is host Name..?
  • How to find domain name..?  

What is Domain Name..?

What is Domain Name. Domain name is a name. But an IP address works behind this name. It is not possible to memorize all the numbers in our mobile. In the same way, it is not possible to memorize those IP addresses. To make this work easier.  The domain name has been created. Because of this, if we want to enter Facebook, we do not have to write the IP address of Facebook in the church bar. Facebook appears in front of us only when we write Facebook. Every day, we search the name of various websites in the church bar for different needs, but  If there was no domain name system, we would have to search for the ip address of each website, we would have to find those sites.  …

What is DNS Server..?

What is DNS Server..?  When we write Facebook, Facebook appears in front of us. As many websites as there are in the world, each site has a unique name. The ip address of those unique sites is stored in a server. It is called dns server when we have an ip address.  We will write its domain name in our browser, then that Unique site will appear in front of us. That Unique site also has a server.  And this time we are.  I can collect their information from that site and share the information.

What is a Subdomain..?

Before or after the domain name, and before the extension, a short word is used. It is called a subdomain. It does not have a different name, but a web site is opened.  For any company or organization. But many people use their favorite word or their name with their website domain name. Basically, all these domain names are called subdomains.

What is TLD (Top Level Domain)..? 

There are different types of domain names. Some of them are high-quality domain names, and some are low-quality domain names. There are also some domain names, which no one can buy even if they want to. Those domains are ordinary.  Different countries use their own countries for websites. People from other countries can't access that website. And they can't buy that domain name even for a small amount of money.  Top Level Domain includes, .com .net .org etc. These domain names can be used by anyone, but the most used domain is Extension.  com,

what is dns

What is Domain Name Example..?

.xyz, .club, .vip, .online, .app, .site, .shop, .live, .store, .life. Com TLD.

.1. .com. A .com domain extension is hands-down the most popular TLD available. net. ...

. org.

. co. 

. us.

The reason for the different types of domain extension is that everyone likes it.  Domain extension can be purchased. A web site is identified by its domain name. And domain name plays a major role in bringing a website to the top of the search list. If every web site follows.  If their domain is extension, then that website will easily appear first in the search list.

What is host Name…?

Through this blog we know what is the domain name. But where will we put this website. It can't be managed from our computer. Because for that we need to keep our computer on for 24 hours. That's why the website is kept on the hosting server.  The website is on the server, we can see the website only after connecting with the domain name.

what is domain

How to find domain name..?  

When we search the browser of our computer.  Search Facebook.  Then our local network search the local network.  If he doesn't find that site, then send this search to the server. And once this process is done, that domain name is saved in our computer. And later we can easily see it again.

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